I had an idea.

I found out about a tiny, almost deserted town in California called, 'Essex'. I also heard about a holiday resort near Great Yarmouth called 'California Sands'. I decided that I would pretend to be the mayor of Essex, C.A and try and get the town twinned with California Sands.

I would get a sign erected in California Sands, then, one day, I'd take a sign over to Essex, C.A and put one up there too. I would have a piece of adventurous, concept based art; a complete example of the 'interruptive sculpture' that I want to establish as the basis of my practice.

So I began to write an email to a resident of California Sands, and trying out my American accent for the phone call I hoped would follow.

Then I realied that Great Yarmouth is in Norfolk, not Essex. And so the joke doesn't make any sense at all.