
As part of Making Myself a Better Fiction Writer, I'm learning to touch type. I currently type with two fingers (one on each hand. I used to type with one finger, but my IT teacher in secondary school leant over my desk and said, 'you know, you could double your typing speed pretty easily').

Here are some of the things I've been typing via an online Learn to Type for Free website.

Keyboard - lesson one

Exercise two: ah had kag slag ah had lag slag ah had

Exercise three:  hash flash ask has hash flash ask has hash

Exercise four:  dash gash;lash dash gash lash dash gash lash

Exercise five:  lad sash flag lad sash flag lad sash flag

Exercise six:  lad sash flag lad sash flag lad sash flag

Exercise seven: glass alfalfa sdds glass alfalfa adds glass alfalfa adds

Exercise eight:  sad shall salad sad shalkl alad sad shall salad

Exercise eight:  ash glad alas ash glad alas ash glad alas

Exercise ten:  all flask half all flask half all flask hals